Postdoc Position in Space Plasma Physics
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Graz, Austria
The institute invites applications for a two-years postdoc position working for the Solar wind - Earth and/or Mercury magnetosphere interaction based on data analysis or theory/modeling related to one or two of the following three ongoing/upcoming space missions, for which IWF has significantly contributed in hardware and is involved in the mission science team: NASA MMS, ESA BepiColombo and ESA/CAS SMILE.
Your tasks:
- Conduct own research based on data analysis and/or theoretical studies;
- Actively participate in the science task for the missions relevant to your research topic;
- Regular publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at international conferences.
Your profile:
- The applicant must hold a PhD in physics, astrophysics, or a related field;
- Experience in analyzing data from in-situ measurements of fields and plasma or in performing theoretical/modeling studies related to the space mission(s) listed above or linked to other space missions in the magnetospheres in the solar system;
- Communication skills to work in an international team with broad interests in space physics.
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