However, you can amend your search to find:
Atomic modification of silicon for quantum applications, including Isotope enrichment of silicon 28 using ion beams, Single ion implantation of donor atoms and strain engineering...
You will explore the use of tightly focused laser beams and their interaction with crystals of trapped ions to realize new ways to prepare and control qubits. We will make...
In this project, you will perform wear experiments on a recently developed instrument that enables customized wear experiments in controllable environment. The goal of the project...
The right candidate will develop, lead and conduct high-quality research within the subject. You will contribute to the scientific development in collaboration with the head of...
The applicant will be expected to primarily teach in animal molecular genetics, in addition to other components at first, second, and third cycle levels covering the subject. You...
The postdoc will gather and explore trends and variation in crop yields, soil properties, resource use and climate, using data from long-term agricultural field experiments which...