Professor of One Health with Focus on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

Professor of One Health with Focus on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Uppsala, Sweden

Subject description

The subject is One Health with focus on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in domesticated animals (dogs, cats, horses, poultry, cattle, sheep, goats, reindeer and pigs). The subject's research areas include assessment and management of risks for the emergence and transmission of AMR (in the environment, as a zoonosis, and through foods of animal origin) as well as the development of treatment methods, diagnostics, prophylaxes, monitoring, and surveillance regarding AMR.


The applicant will be expected to:

  • develop and lead internationally successful research;
  • develop, lead and participate in teaching at first, second and third cycle levels;
  • primarily teach in the veterinary program, in addition to other programs at first, second and third cycle levels covering the subject;
  • develop and maintain national and international networks with academia, the relevant public authorities, industry, organisations and society at large;
  • collaborate with other SLU research teams to strengthen interdisciplinary One Health activities at the university;
  • apply for external research funding from both national and international sources;
  • supervise doctoral students and residents undergoing specialist training;
  • actively participate in clinical teaching;
  • contribute to the strategic development of the department, faculty and SLU;
  • communicate research findings and other relevant information to society at large;
  • to assess and communicate benefits, costs and risks associated with AMR;
  • perform administrative duties within the department, faculty and university;
  • be able to use Swedish as the working language within four years.

The department uses Swedish and English in parallel. The professor should be able to perform the majority of their tasks in English. However, as a public authority, the university has Swedish as its main language according to the requirements of the Language Act and the professor must be able to use Swedish as their working language within four years of beginning the position. The department will provide support with language learning.


The applicant must:

  • have a veterinary exam;
  • have successfully completed a doctoral degree in Veterinary Medicine or have the equivalent academic qualifications, as well as hold the qualifications required for appointment as a docent within a subject relevant to the position;
  • demonstrate research expertise in the subject;
  • have demonstrated the ability to develop and lead multidisciplinary research and collaboration;
  • have demonstrated the ability to lead and develop a successful, internationally-recognised research team within a subject relevant to the position;
  • have demonstrated the ability to compete for external research funding;
  • demonstrate teaching expertise and have the ability to integrate research and a scientific approach into their teaching;
  • have good knowledge of English.

Grounds of assessment

The assessment criteria for appointment must be the degree of expertise required as qualification for employment.

The assessment of research expertise will be based on:

  • completed and ongoing research and its relevance and development potential for the faculty and department;
  • the ability to independently initiate and run successful and internationally-recognised research;
  • the ability to compete for external research funding;
  • experience as principal supervisor for third-cycle courses and study programmes. As a principal supervisor, the applicant should have supervised doctoral students throughout their studies and until they are awarded their doctoral degree.

The following will be taken into consideration when assessing teaching expertise:

  • planning, implementation, examination and assessment of teaching and education;
  • experience of both theoretical and clinical teaching at first and second cycle levels;
  • the ability to integrate research and scientific approaches into teaching work;
  • supervision and examination of first and second cycle courses;
  • training in teaching and learning in higher education or the equivalent knowledge;
  • pedagogic vision and philosophy.

The following abilities will also be assessed:

  • developing and leading activities and staff within academia with emphasis on collaboration between disciplines;
  • communicating and collaborating internally;
  • collaboration with external stakeholders and society at large;
  • communicating work with research and development.

The appointment will be offered to the applicant who, following a qualitative comprehensive assessment, is deemed to have the best skills set to conduct and develop the duties in question, and contribute to the positive development of the organisation.

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Sweden      Academic      Animal Health and Veterinary      Biology      Microbiology      On-site      PhD Required      SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences     

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