We offer a 3-year Postdoctoral position investigating, through scenario analysis with the TIAM-ECN model, the diversity in the levels of centralization at which hydrogen can be produced, as well as in the types of hydrogen production possibilities themselves. You will be appointed at the Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) of the Faculty of Science (FNWI) at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), but work closely together with colleagues from other Faculties at UvA, including the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG). Your work will be anchored at UvA FNWI but will be undertaken in close collaboration with researchers of TNO, the home base of the TIAM-ECN integrated assessment model. Also in-depth cooperation will be established with scientists from the National Growth Fund (“Groenvermogen NL”) project HySUCCESS, the main funder of this position, as well as researchers from the new UvA Climate Institute SEVEN and the network of the UvA Future of Energy (FoE) seminar series, since UvA has many researchers from all disciplines working on the multiple aspects of the energy transition and climate change mitigation. With these research groups you will explore, with the TIAM-ECN model, interventions that could accelerate the energy transition with particular focus on the role of hydrogen therein. TIAM-ECN is an established integrated assessment model allowing to investigate what the impacts on greenhouse gas emissions are from fundamental changes in the energy system, including those related to hydrogen deployment. TIAM-ECN encompasses energy use in all main sectors and it reflects hundreds of processes simulating energy conversion from resource extraction to end-use. As Postdoc you will undertake collaborative research efforts, present your findings at workshops and conferences, and publish your research results in academic journals, while assuming limited organizational responsibilities such as for the FoE seminar series.
We seek an exceptionally talented and motivated energy system modeler with a background in integrated assessment research, strong affinity with energy transition and climate mitigation studies, and a clear interest in working across disciplinary boundaries.
Netherlands Academic Earth Science Energy Environment On-site Postdoc UvA - University of Amsterdam