The POWERlab at EPFL is seeking excellent and highly motivated candidates for a postdoctoral position in the field of diamond epitaxial growth for electronic devices.
Our lab is working on novel semiconductor devices based on diamond and GaN (and other wide-band-gap materials), investigating novel designs to exploit their unique properties and conceive new, drastically more efficient devices that outperform the state-of-the-art. Our research is multidisciplinary at the interface of power electronic devices and converters, RF communications and thermal sciences.
The candidate will have the opportunity to work several aspects involved in demonstrating high-performance devices: electronic-grade diamond growth by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD), device fabrication in cleanroom (relying on EPFL’s excellent cleanroom facilities), device simulations, device characterization (relying on the excellent facilities in the lab, for electrical, optical and thermal measurements). The candidate will also have a chance to work in a multidisciplinary lab - at the interface of power electronic devices and converters, RF communications and thermal sciences – and pursue novel ideas to tackle challenges in the field of efficient power electronics.