The Laboratory of Mechanical Metallurgy (LMM) at EPFL is inviting applications for a position as post-doctoral scientist. This position is supported by a large-scale project (Swiss equivalent to an ERC Advanced Grant funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation) which started in September 2022 with a total duration of 5 years.
As part of a collaborative team of two doctoral candidates and two post-doctoral researchers, the aim is to explore the potential held by electromagnetic forces in harnessing melt flow and solidification towards innovations in the 3D printing of aluminum and its alloys. More information about this project can be found on.
Additional responsibilities include participating in exploratory experiments, teaching, notably practicals (“travaux pratiques”) for undergraduate students as well as supervising student semester projects, and assisting in organizational and operational matters of the laboratory.
We are looking for candidates with a top-level academic education and a proven track record in conducting and publishing outstanding research in the field of physical metallurgy. Skills of direct interest include a strong command of metallurgical processing, microstructural characterization, the mechanical behavior of metallic materials with a particular interest on aluminum alloys and/or the theory and modeling of solidification. Additionally, expertise in, or the capability and eagerness to learn, the following is expected: