We seek a postdoc to focus on exploring the coupling of the carbon and water balances in response to drought and management for boreal forests in northern Sweden. The post doc will work with a decade-long record of eddy-covariance (EC) flux measurements in contrasting boreal forests, which includes the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) ecosystem station Svartberget located within the Krycklan catchment and the nearby Rosinedal long-term fertilization experimental sites. The project will develop estimates of forest-floor, ecosystem and landscape scale fluxes and its underlying controls based on below-canopy, conventional and tall-tower EC measurements, respectively. Thus, the post-doc is expected to process and analyze EC data from several measurement systems, and integrate already existing datasets into publishable manuscripts
As postdoctoral appointments are career-developing positions for junior researchers, we are primarily looking for candidates with a doctoral degree that is three years old at most.