Associate Senior Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Inorganic Chemistry

Associate Senior Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Inorganic Chemistry

SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Uppsala, Sweden

Subject description

The subject covers inorganic chemistry with a focus on materials for the green sector.


The assistant professor/associate senior lecturer will develop his own research profile in the field of inorganic chemistry with a focus on materials for the green sector.

The research is expected to take place in close collaboration with researchers within the Department and other departments of SLUs, as well as through national and international collaboration.

In addition, the holder must within the subject of the employment:

  • initiate the building of an own research group
  • seek external funding in competition and publish scientific articles
  • participate in postgraduate training as a co-supervisor
  • teach at basic, advanced and postgraduate level
  • further educational training
  • collaborate with relevant actors in the industry and the surrounding society
  • be able to teach in Swedish within four years.

Swedish and English are used in parallel at the department. The holder of the position should be able to perform the majority of their tasks in English. However, as a public authority, the university has Swedish as its main language according to the requirements of the Language Act and the holder of the position must be able to use Swedish as their working language within four years of beginning the position. The department will provide support with language learning.


Eligible to be employed as an assistant professor/associate senior lecturer is someone who has completed a doctorate or has equivalent scientific competence. Primarily, it should come into question that has achieved this authorization no more than five years before the end of the application period. However, even those who have completed a doctorate or have achieved equivalent competence in the past may be considered if there are special reasons. With special reasons is considered leave due to illness, parental leave or other similar circumstances.

To be employed as an assistant professor/associate senior lecturer, the applicant must be scientifically competent in inorganic materials chemistry.

Good ability to communicate in spoken and written English is a requirement.

Assessment criteria

The assessment criteria for employment shall primarily apply to the degree of scientific skill in inorganic materials chemistry.

In addition, the applicant's ability to develop an independent research profile within inorganic chemistry with a focus on materials for the green sector and to meet the requirements for promotion to senior lecturer within the framework of the qualification employment is assessed.

It is advantageous if the applicant has experience in physico-chemical material characterization techniques such as environmental scanning electron microscopy, X-ray spectroscopy and diffraction, atomic force microscopy, light scattering, etc.

The position will be offered to a qualified candidate who, after a qualitative overall assessment, is judged to have the best conditions to carry out, and develop current tasks and contribute to a positive development of the activities in the field.

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Sweden      Academic      Chemistry      On-site      PhD Required      SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences     

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