We invite applications to join the AstroFlash research group as a 2-year junior postdoctoral researcher at the Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy (API) of the University of Amsterdam, advised by Dr. Ziggy Pleunis. This position could be extended up to a maximum of 4 years in total, if additional funds will become available in the research group.
The AstroFlash group is focused on the study of the fast radio bursts (FRBs), which are impulses of radio waves that last for only a fraction of a second and that are detectable over extragalactic distances. The origin of FRBs remains elusive, though various types of highly magnetized compact objects, e.g. magnetars, are favoured candidate sources. A small fraction of FRBs has been observed to repeat and the most hyperactive of repeating FRB sources produce up to hundreds of detectable bursts per hour.
We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher who is excited about revolutionizing our understanding of how the local environments of FRBs are connected to their activity and burst properties, which will both help understand the nature of FRBs and make them better astrophysical tools to study the Universe at large.
You will have the opportunity to join the CHIME/FRB collaboration and make use of world-class data from the CHIME/FRB experiment and its "Outriggers" upgrade and/or contribute to commensal searches for fast radio transients with the LOFAR 2.0 telescope.
Though our focus is on radio observations, we also welcome applications from more theoretically minded astrophysicists that could support observational activities in the research group with theoretical or computational modeling of FRBs and their environments.
Netherlands Academic Physics Postdoc Space and Astronomy UvA - University of Amsterdam