Providing both clean water and energy to a growing global population, especially under a changing climate, is a major challenge. Demands for these two resources and their systemic interdependencies are particularly strong during droughts and heatwaves. You will work as a team member of the ERC Starting grant project B-WEX, which aims to develop spatially explicit pathways that evaluate how the provision of clean water and energy can be balanced under global change in regions worldwide, with an emphasis on present and future droughts and heatwaves.
In this postdoc project, you will develop clean water and energy transition pathways, jointly with key stakeholders at a regional and global scale. You will develop methodological frameworks for stakeholder participation to quantitatively explore trade-offs in stakeholder defined objectives and possible management actions under unknown future water-energy resources and climate states. You play a leading role in organising stakeholder workshops.
In this role you collaborate closely with another postdoc researcher (background in water-energy resources modelling), the PI and staff members on developing spatially explicit clean water and energy transition pathways that are robust under increases in droughts and heatwaves.